Art & craft ideas for little mates

Cardboard Cakes & Cookies
A deliciously sweet pretend play DIY!

Cardboard Fairy Forest
The perfect mystical and magical rainy day activity!

Yoghurt Tub Easter Basket
Upcycling + choccy eggies. Perfect!

CD Print Making
This activity allows kids to experience cause & effect, which ignites their interest! This one was super simple & made the prettiest mini artworks.

TP Roll Town
Ok you wanted indoor, simple & mess-free with some tp rolls thrown in. This one ticks all of the boxes!

Egg Carton Fairy Garden
The cutest activity that turns recycling into fairy homes!

Up-cycled Basketball Game
Super easy & heaps of fun. Keep it simple or add paint & details, it’s up to you!

DIY Stamps
Get stamping with this cute DIY activity!