Cardboard Fairy Forest

What do you do when it’s day 7 of the little mates being home sick & the weather has turned ice cold? Begin a cardboard forest project!

Ever since I saw this activity by Mini Mad Things on the incredible The Artful Parent's page I wanted to give it a go with my oldest.

Suitable for ages 5+.

I pulled out some of my damaged create kit boxes for her to draw her designs, then she used textas and paints to colour them. We took a look at our fave Phoebe Wahl's Backyard Fairies for some inspiration - toadstools, mountains, flowers & mystical trees!

Once dry, I cut them out & created little stands to help them stand up. For the stands, simply cut small crescent shapes from your leftover cardboard & snip a small slot into the top. Snip 1 - 2 small slots in the base of each forest drawing then slot them together!

We then set up the forest & pulled out some old wooden peg fairies that quickly made themselves at home!

Thank you Mini Mad Things and The Artful Parent for this, and all your incredible ideas! I love checking your pages for inspiration

Have fun!


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