Up-cycled Basketball Game

As I was about to toss them in the bin I took one last lucky look at the empty washing powder box & scoop & knew I could make something! This will take some tweaks, but it was super easy & heaps of fun. Keep it simple or add paint & details, it’s up to you!

Ages: 8+

You will need:
⋒ Washing powder box
⋒ Washing powder scoops x 2
⋒ Toilet rolls or kitchen roll
⋒ Ping pong balls
⋒ Masking tape
⋒ Scissors
⋒ Rubber band
⋒ Glue/ Blutack

1. Snip your box down both edges so it can fold out to make the basketball court (check highlight for pictures).
2. Cut your kitchen roll in two so you have 1/3 and 2/3 (or use two toilet rolls).
3. Tape one scoop to the top of one piece of roll, making your basketball hoop.
4. Stretch the rubber band around the other piece of roll (longways) & tuck the second scoop in - your catapult!
5. Glue or blutack your catapult & hoop in place (check highlight for pictures).
6. Pop your ping pong ball in the catapult & shoot!

I tricked it up a bit with a coat of paint and a butter lid backboard!
Upcycle, upcycle, upcycle! It’s worth it!

Have fun!


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