Recycled Plastic Crafts

Repurpose your kitchen plastics in quick & simple ways!

Ages: 2+

I’m always trying to find ways to repurpose plastics. Cardboard boxes & toilet rolls are always getting their time in the spotlight, while the less-aesthetic plastics are brushed aside. I thought I’d start featuring some of the quick & easy recycling crafts we get up to around here!

Science Lab:

I’ve been holding onto the plastic tubes that vanilla beans come in, knowing at some point the perfect craft would arise. With the little mates very much into “experiments” I whipped up a super-simple science lab! I cut three holes in the lid of a plastic strawberry punnet & popped the tubes in, creating test tubes!

I set out some eye droppers, liquid watercolours, bi-carb & vinegar & let the girls go wild mixing colours & potions! This filled their whole afternoon & kept the plastics out of the bin. Win, win!

Have fun!



Blow Painting


Chalk Paints