Lego Print Wrapping Paper

With Father’s Day cards & gifts ticked off at Preschool it just leaves the gift wrap for us to whip up at home. Considering it’s a fave activity & to give it a ‘Dad’ feel we went with Lego printing!

Ages: 3+

You will need:
⋒ Lego blocks (different shapes & sizes work best)
⋒ Acrylic paints
⋒ Kraft / butchers paper

1. Lay out enough paper to work as your gift wrap.
2. Pour your paints out on a flat surface, a tray or paper plates work well.
3. Dip either side of the lego block in the paint & print!
4. Repeat with different colours & sides of the blocks.

Of course when we have both little mates (2y & 4y) working on a craft things tend to get messy - and can easily veer away from the plan! But we don’t care. And Dad will be stoked no matter what the results!

Have fun!


Naturally Coloured Playdough


CD Print Making