Ice Paints

Ok this might just be the best activity we have done! So impressed with how easy this was & how bright the colours are. Perfect for these warmer Spring days.

You will need:
⋒ Ice cube tray
⋒ Food colours
⋒ Water
⋒ Cling wrap
⋒ Mini popsicle sticks

1. Pop a few drops of food colouring in each section of the tray. You can drop different amounts of food colouring to make different shades, or multiple (e.g red & yellow) to create more colours.
2. Carefully fill each section of the tray with water. A jug makes it easier! Give each cube a little stir to mix the water & colour.
3. Cover the tray with cling wrap.
4. Snip a small hole & poke a popsicle stick in each section.
5. Freeze! (4-6 hours)
6. To remove easily, place the tray in some shallow warm water to melt slightly. Your ice paints will lift straight out!

Now paint! They run super smoothly on the paper & the colours are so vibrant!

Have fun!


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