Cardboard Sandwich Bar

Like many, playing shops is a fave in this house. Tired of repeatedly paying $40 for the same book from the ‘library’ (despite outlining the borrowing system) I thought I’d whip up something a little tastier for the little mate to sell.

You will need:
⋒ Cardboard box
⋒ Grey lead pencil
⋒ Scissors
⋒ Acrylic paints
⋒ Egg carton

1. Open & flatten out your cardboard box.
2. Draw your sandwich fillings! Don’t be deterred if your scribble skills are lacking. Raid the kitchen for items to trace! I used square containers for the bread, ham & cheese, round lids for the tomato & pickles & a wooden spoon for the lettuce leaves!
3. Cut out your fillings & paint them. I did two coats of acrylic paint for each side.
4. Once dry you can add some finer details. Some crust for your bread & little seeds for your tomato slices & pickles.
5. Cut an egg carton in half and sit your fillings in. The sandwich bar is ready for service!

Of course you can create any fillings you like. Make a burger or pizza bar!
Don’t stress if the cardboard warps! You can either a) pop something heavy on it as it dries or b) place your dry fillings under some heavy books to flatten out. And there’s no need to strive for perfection. If the cheese is square & vaguely yellow, they will know it’s cheese! Older kids will happily do their own decorating.

Bon appetit!


Coffee Tray Crafts


Ice Paints