Egg Carton Caterpillar

An oldy but a goody, and adding to the bug theme this week, we made caterpillars!

You will need:
⋒ Egg carton
⋒ Scissors
⋒ Paint
⋒ Pipe cleaners
⋒ Craft eyes

1. Cut the lid off the egg carton & snip straight down the carton lengthways to give yourself 2 caterpillars, or cut these in half for 4.
2. Trim the edges to neaten them for a nice caterpillar shape.
3. Paint your caterpillar any colour you like!
4. Add eyes (we used eye stickers).
5. Poke two holes in the top of the caterpillars head and insert the pipe cleaner antennae. Twist them together underneath to hold in place.
Enjoy your new creepy crawly caterpillar friend! 🐛

Have fun!



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