Shaving Cream Marbling

When it is time to shave that iso beard put your shaving cream to a second, more colourful use!

You will need:
⋒ Shaving cream/foam
⋒ Shallow dish
⋒ Food colours
⋒ Eye dropper
⋒ Paper
⋒ Scraper*
⋒ Old rag for wiping messy hands!

1. Spray the shaving cream/foam into the dish & level it a little with your scraper.
2. Drop chosen food colouring onto the cream/foam using your eye dropper.
3. Using your skewer, swirl the colours to make a marbled effect.
4. Gently press your paper onto the surface of the cream/foam & lift.
5. Scrape off the cream using your scraper * this can just be a thick piece of cardboard with a wide, straight edge*
6. Set paper aside to dry & repeat with more prints!

Have fun!



Easy-Peasy Flower Card

