
A lot of the time the crafts we do start out as something completely different. I set my daughter up with some eco straws, scissors and hemp cord so she could practice her cutting & threading skills. The plan was to make necklaces!
Next thing I know she had apparently crafted “wobbly jellyfish legs.” With the addition of a slap-dash body & eyes, we had our jellyfish!

You will need:
⋒ Straws
⋒ String or hemp cord
⋒ Scissors
⋒ Empty tub/container
⋒ Eyes
⋒ Paints

1. Supply kid-safe scissors & straws & encourage your little one to practice their cutting skills.
2. While they snip away, cut 6-8 pieces of string or cord & tie a large knot at the end of each piece (large enough to keep the straws from falling off).
3. Encourage threading the pieces of straw onto the string, creating your jellyfish legs.
4. Paint your container (we used a paper punnet, you could try a butter container, small ice cream tub or even a paper plate).
5. Once dry, punch holes around the bottom, thread and knot your legs.
6. Punch a hole in the top, thread and knot a piece of string for the jellyfish to hang from.
7. Add some eyes (we used eye stickers).

Done! Your jellyfish is ready to bob along!


Bubble Blower


DIY Stamps