DIY Party Popper

During times like these we need to celebrate the little things. Do so with a DIY, reusable party popper!

You will need:
⋒ Toilet roll
⋒ Balloon
⋒ Scissors
⋒ Tape
⋒ Confetti
⋒ Coloured paper / pva glue / glitter for decorating

1. Take a balloon, tie a knot (as if you’ve just blown it up) and snip off the rounded end.
2. Take the knotted end and stretch it over one end of your toilet roll. Secure with tape. Make sure it’s nice & tight!
3. Now decorate! We wrapped coloured paper around the roll & taped it in place. We then covered our popper in glue & lots of glitter!
4. Once dry, fill your popper with confetti.
5. Holding your popper upright, pull down on the knotted end and let go, sending confetti flying!

Fill it up & go again!
We used our eco glitter & some biodegradable confetti. Both can be found in the latest create kits.
If you don’t have confetti on hand cut simply up pieces of tissue paper or scrap coloured paper.

Have fun!


Heart Stamps